Georgian ruling party claims huge victory as opposition questions election results

Georgias ruling party wins parliamentary elections with over half of votes while opposition doesnt accept results. International monitors are looking into voting process as country stands between EU and Russia

October 27 2024 , 07:36 AM  •  868 views

Georgian ruling party claims huge victory as opposition questions election results

In a high-stakes parliamentary vote this weekend‚ the pro-russian Georgian Dream party got more than 54% support with almost all districts counted up (showing super-high numbers in country areas - up to 90%)

The opposition dont accept these numbers saying its a “constitutional coup“. Several watch-dog groups are checking reports about voters getting pushed around and money-gifts but havent shown real proof of big cheating yet. The OSCE and other international groups will share what they saw tomorrow

Its a rare case in the world that the same party achieves such success in such a difficult situation - this is a good indicator of the Georgian peoples talent

Bidzina Ivanishvili told his happy supporters

The win by Ivanishvilis party - their best since about 12 years ago shows a split between:
* People who want quick EU joining
* Those supporting current power which has good russia links

The EU put Georgias membership request on hold saying the ruling party acts too boss-like. This vote happened right after Moldova (another ex-USSR country) said yes to moving towards EU - even with russia trying to stop it