Share Your Supernatural Home Experiences: We Want to Hear from You

Have you encountered unexplained phenomena in your home? From mysterious sounds to vanishing objects, we're collecting stories of potential paranormal activity. Submit your experiences through our form.

October 7 2024, 09:11 PM  •  258 views

Share Your Supernatural Home Experiences: We Want to Hear from You

Unexplained occurrences in one's residence can be both intriguing and unsettling. We are reaching out to our readers to share their personal accounts of potential paranormal activity within their homes. Joseph Banks Rhine, who coined the term "paranormal" in 1920, might have been fascinated by the stories we aim to collect.

Phenomena of interest include:

  • Recurring, inexplicable sounds
  • Objects that seem to relocate on their own
  • Shadowy figures in hallways or rooms

These experiences align with what the Society for Psychical Research, founded in 1882, has been investigating for over a century. Interestingly, approximately 45% of Americans believe in ghosts or the return of spirits, indicating a widespread interest in such phenomena.

To contribute your story, please utilize the submission form provided below. We assure you that no part of your response will be published without our prior communication. It's crucial to include your contact information for follow-up purposes. Required fields are denoted by an asterisk.

Your participation is greatly appreciated and contributes to the ongoing exploration of unexplained events. The field of parapsychology, which scientifically studies these phenomena, benefits from such firsthand accounts.

When submitting, consider that some experiences might have scientific explanations. For instance, infrasound has been proposed as a cause for certain ghostly encounters, while carbon monoxide poisoning can induce hallucinations mistaken for paranormal activity. Sleep paralysis is another condition often misinterpreted as a supernatural experience.

It's worth noting that the perception of paranormal events can be influenced by various factors. Pareidolia, our tendency to see patterns in random stimuli, might explain some ghost sightings. Additionally, the placebo effect can shape how individuals interpret unusual occurrences.

By agreeing to submit, you acknowledge our submission and discussion guidelines, which include our terms of service and privacy policy. These guidelines ensure a respectful and constructive sharing of experiences.


Your stories may contribute to the broader cultural discourse on paranormal beliefs, which some universities now study for its societal impact. Whether you've experienced what the "Stone Tape Theory" describes as recorded paranormal events or encountered what seems like poltergeist activity (often associated with adolescents and psychological stress), we're eager to hear from you.

Remember, famous magician Harry Houdini spent part of his career debunking supernatural claims, highlighting the importance of critical thinking when approaching these topics. However, the "quantum consciousness" theory attempts to provide a scientific framework for understanding paranormal phenomena, showing that the field continues to evolve.

As you prepare your submission, reflect on how your experience fits into the rich tapestry of paranormal reports throughout human history. Your account could provide valuable insights into this fascinating aspect of human experience that transcends cultural and religious boundaries.