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Opinion: I will never be overshadowed by my marriage again

(CNN)In 1981,long before same-sex marriage was legalized, I I promised to live for you. Life with the woman I love, Carol. But when Carol and I introduced each other to our friends, there were no words to describe our relationship.

When I called her a "partner," many people thought she was a business partner. "Lover" is too intimate, "life partner" is too clunky, and "special friend" is an abominable remnant of a closed age.

The word "wife" would have made our relationship perfectly clear, but it was a denied word at the time.

The penalties for this extrajudicial union were severe. Carol's beloved father, who was a Catholic, refused to speak to her, citing her objections based on her faith. We both faced potential unemployment if found. Carol, who works for the federal government, had to keep a particularly low profile because she had heard she would be fired if she was "discovered" as a lesbian.

Both myself and my children were in danger. Fortunately, no relatives were sued for custody at a time when lesbian mothers were customarily considered "unfit" to raise children.

Eventually, Carol and I bought a house together and put our finances together. Yet our accountants had to artificially unwrap taxes each year to file a "single" return.

2015 Obergefellmade same-sex marriage nationally recognized by the Supreme Court. When we heard the news, tears of joy and disbelief streamed down our cheeks. But at the same time, a sense of relief overwhelmed me. No one can take my wife away from me. we were safe.
Years ago the Supreme Court Loving v. It was already a familiar feeling, having experienced it in Virginia Judgment. That's because my relationship with Carol was actually the second time my closest bond was outlawed. It was also the second time a sweeping Supreme Court action had taken place to give me the freedom to love whoever I wanted.

In 1962 I married a black man. Our union was considered illegal in 21 states at the time because I was considered white.

Legal status mattered little in a dingy Manhattan basement apartment. But when civil rights activists were desperate to travel to the South for voter registration, we were deterred by their anti-racism laws. I had to stay in New York when her husband Juliusjoined her SNCC, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee of Mississippi.

Even in Manhattan, racism was rampant. The landlady, who lived upstairs, shouted her racist slurs every time she saw Julius. For five years we endured her vulgar yelling through the upstairs window every time he entered or exited the building.

However, the mood changed markedly when the Loving judgment was handed down in 1967. The Supreme Court ruled that the so-called "race." Finally, our marriage was legal throughout the United States, although both parents withheld their approval.

This judgment gave not only legal legitimacy, but also social legitimacy. White strangers have casually asked about our children in public, "How did you get so tanned?" Reduced their questions. Loving normalized us. When restaurant diners stared at our unusual family composition (in 1967, only 3% of marriages were interracial), I began to reflect.

Over time, social pressure took its toll. None of my few interracial friends survived this decade of his. After 8 years our marriage was also dissolved. Returning to the days of

formerlyLove orformerly Obergfell may sound improbable, but we , we are witnessing the torment that this Supreme Court has just inflicted upon girlswomen in non-abortion statesnot only are denied decision-making about their bodies, but also miscarrying. Those whoare at risk of dying if doctors cannot legally treat themGiven this cruelty, no hard and fast legal sentence seems implausible.
By virtue of our legal marriage, Carol and I acquired 1,138 federal rights and protections. We were worried if either of us landed in the hospital and the other was not considered a next of kin and was denied a visit. We cannot make health care decisions for each other. The prospect filled us with fear.

After ObergefellI had a series of surgeries. Whenever I lay in the hospital for a week at a time, I was grateful that Carol stayed with me without any questions. No one refuses his wife. Her presence and her daily advocacy kept me alive. Where would we have been if she had not been given this privilege.

Recently, a friend with Covid was admitted to her ICU and realized that the hospital allowed only close family members the precious few minutes of visitation. Every time, we are grateful that we are married.

When the Supreme Court repealed Obergefell loved was heavily relied upon as a basis for freedom to choose a mate. Back in the legal maze. What will happen to our marriage after Carol and I have been together for her 41 years?

We could end our lives like old "unmarried roommates" at the whim of the other's biological family. Legally, if our loved ones become powerless, they have the right to make all the decisions. For example, if we asked to sell our house, we could probably make decisions about our own future.

If, after all, abortion is not a right, as the judge has ruled, because it is not "deeply rooted in the history and traditions of this nation" which is not written into the Constitution, , all of our other unwritten rights are at stake, including the right to decide who to marry. This includes cases where the person is of the same sex. Or another race.

Indeed, Clarence Thomas JudgeRoeoverturns in a concurring opinion that the right to abortion is not just the right to abortion, but a "freedom" protected by the state. showed that it is not a form of Although Dew ruled out the 14th Amendment's process clause, other decisions based on the same reason may be reconsidered.
He cited his three landmark cases: Griswold v. ConnecticutLawrence v. Texas, his 2003 lawsuit to nullify sodomy laws that criminalized homosexual relationships. and Obergefell v. Hodges
although he did not specifically mention Loving,one U.S. Senator did, however, after a court annulled it, to reporters. Speaking to Roe supported allowing states to determine the legality of interracial marriage. (He later retracted these statements, saying he had misunderstood the question.) legal expert said landmark 1967 ruling could be jeopardized not a littlewhen courts apply to interracial marriage the same grounds used in abortion rulings.
If the court overturned lovewhat would happen to the interracial son's interracial marriage? Are you going to recreate theOctron and Quadronlabyrinth systems based on the fantastic proportions of "colored blood"? Who can my three biracial grandchildren legally marry.
Thankfully, we have a civic legacy that still stands today in this country. Last month, voters in socially conservative Kansas voted in favor of the "free state" nickname she earned when it joined the Union in 1861 as a free state, not a slave state. By 18 percent, they affirmed the state's constitutional right to abortion and gave us all a path to protection.

The vast numbers of us in same-sex or interracial marriage need to speak up, supported by our allies. More Supreme Court insanity can be averted by calling on state legislators to immediately add interracial and same-sex marriage protections to the Constitution.

There is even hope that our members of Congress may take action. Democrats in Congress recently proposed and passed theRespect Marriage Actwith the support of 47 Republicans. Statutory Authority over Same-sex and Interracial Marriage,” cites decisions of Obergefell and Loving among others in its text.

This measure would prevent such setbacks. Senate passage, however, is not guaranteed. As Loving affirmed, we need to ensure the right of individuals to choose who they love without interference.

From 2008 to her complicated time in 2015, Carol and I were legally married in California, but not nationally recognized. We traveled with our marriage certificate in our suitcase. I once flashed a New York car rental clerk who denied my spouse's second driver privilege (it worked).

but mostly carried it around in more dire situations where legal binding had to be proven.Navigating such a patchwork of marriage-affirming states can be tricky, but if Congress fails to pass legislation, sanctuary states may be our best option.

The recent Supreme Court repeal of Roe — a risk to other constitutionally protected rights, such as interracial and same-sex marriage — leaves us completely her of the 1950s.

I wonder and worry: Will they come for my next marriage? My wife and I are determined to stand together in the sunshine where we belong. What do our other freedoms mean if the right to marry the one we love is not a guaranteed personal freedom?

Twice I have survived the shadow of a legal marriage, relying on the goodwill of others for my family's safety. Twice I felt a deep relief when my marriage was justified. I'm not ready to face this for the third time. i won't go back