
Biden to Sign Executive Order Tackling New Gun Threats and School Safety


President Biden set to sign an executive order addressing emerging firearm threats and improving school safety measures. The order targets machine gun conversion devices and 3D-printed firearms, while enhancing active shooter drill protocols.

In a significant move to address gun violence, President Joe Biden is scheduled to sign an executive order on September 28, 2024. This action aims to combat emerging firearm threats and enhance school safety measures, reflecting the administration's ongoing efforts to reduce gun-related incidents in the United States.

The executive order focuses on two primary areas: addressing new technological threats in firearms and improving active shooter drill protocols in educational institutions. This initiative comes as part of a broader push by Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to tackle gun violence since their inauguration in January 2021.

One of the key components of the order is the establishment of a federal task force. This group will assess the risks posed by machine gun conversion devices and 3D-printed firearms. Machine gun conversion devices, which can transform semi-automatic weapons into firearms with rates of fire comparable to military-grade machine guns, have become a growing concern for law enforcement. These devices, despite being illegal, are increasingly found at crime scenes due to their small size, low production cost, and ease of installation.

Similarly, 3D-printed firearms, often referred to as "ghost guns," present a unique challenge to law enforcement due to their lack of serial numbers, making them difficult to trace. The task force is mandated to evaluate whether federal agencies possess the necessary legal and operational capabilities to detect, intercept, and seize these weapons. Their findings are due within 90 days, just before the Christmas holiday of 2024.

The executive order also addresses school safety. Federal agencies are directed to develop and publish guidelines for creating, implementing, and evaluating evidence-based active shooter drills in schools, colleges, and universities. This initiative aims to address concerns raised by parents about the potential traumatic impact of such drills on children.

This executive action occurs against the backdrop of a politically divided landscape regarding gun control measures. The issue of gun rights and regulations has been a contentious topic in American politics for decades, with the debate intensifying following high-profile incidents of gun violence.

"Gun violence is a public health crisis that requires immediate attention and action."

U.S. Surgeon General's Statement

The U.S. Surgeon General's declaration of gun violence as a public health crisis in June 2024 underscores the urgency of the issue. This declaration called for increased research funding, improved mental health access, and other measures such as secure storage of firearms.

It's worth noting that the United States has a long and complex history with firearms legislation. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791, has been central to debates on gun rights. Over the years, various federal laws have been enacted to regulate firearms, including the National Firearms Act of 1934, the Gun Control Act of 1968, and the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993.

The effectiveness of gun control measures remains a topic of ongoing research and debate. While the U.S. has the highest rate of gun ownership globally, with approximately 120 firearms per 100 residents, it has also experienced numerous high-profile incidents of gun violence. Events such as the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, and the Parkland school shooting in 2018 have significantly influenced public discourse and policy discussions on gun control.

As the Biden administration moves forward with this executive order, it continues to navigate the complex landscape of gun policy in the United States. The order's focus on emerging technologies and school safety reflects an attempt to address evolving challenges in gun violence prevention while operating within the constraints of executive authority.


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