
Biden to Urge Netanyahu to Reconsider Gaza Border Stance


U.S. President Biden plans to discuss Israel's position on maintaining forces along the Egypt-Gaza border with Prime Minister Netanyahu. The issue is a key point in ongoing peace negotiations.

U.S. President Joe Biden is scheduled to engage in a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on August 23, 2024. The primary focus of their discussion is expected to be Israel's stance on maintaining a military presence along the land corridor connecting Egypt and Gaza, according to a report by Axios citing an unnamed source.

The U.S. administration is reportedly aiming to persuade Netanyahu to adopt a more flexible position on this matter. This conversation comes amidst ongoing efforts to resolve the conflict that began in October 2023, now approaching its one-year mark.

The area in question, known as the Philadelphi Corridor, is a narrow strip of land approximately 14 kilometers long and 100 meters wide, situated along Gaza's southern border with Egypt. This corridor, established as part of the 1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty, has been a focal point of strategic importance and controversy.

In the current peace negotiations, Hamas is advocating for a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, including the Philadelphi Corridor. However, Israel is determined to maintain control over this area, which it recaptured in late May 2024 after destroying numerous tunnels beneath it. Israeli authorities assert that these tunnels were used for smuggling weapons into Gaza.

The Philadelphi Corridor's status has been a recurring issue in peace negotiations, significantly impacting Gaza's economy and access to goods. It's worth noting that Israel had previously withdrawn from this area in 2005 as part of its disengagement from Gaza. However, the corridor has remained a source of tension between Israel, Egypt, and Palestinian factions.

"The Philadelphi Corridor is crucial for Israel's security. We cannot allow it to become a route for weapons smuggling into Gaza."

Israeli Defense Ministry Statement

The Rafah Border Crossing, located at the southern end of the corridor, serves as the main crossing point between Gaza and Egypt. International organizations have repeatedly called for easing restrictions on movement through this area to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

As the conflict approaches its one-year mark, the international community watches closely to see if this upcoming conversation between Biden and Netanyahu will lead to any shifts in Israel's position, potentially paving the way for progress in the peace negotiations.


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