
Delaware makes history: Meet the newest member of Congress who breaks barriers


A ground-breaking win in Delaware brings fresh perspective to Capitol Hill. **Sarah McBride** transforms from state senator to national lawmaker while focusing on local community needs

Sarah McBride won Delawareʼs at-large seat making her way to the U.S House of Representatives - a first-of-its-kind achievement for the trans-gender community. The thirty-four year old Democrat secured her spot after winning a tough primary back in Sept

Her political journey shows impressive mile-stones: she worked as an intern at the White House about twelve years ago served as state senator since twenty-twenty and made history at the Democratic convention (where she became first trans person to speak)

Anyone who worries that the heart of this country is not big enough to love them should know that they belong; our democracy is big enough for all of us

McBrideʼs statement to young Americans

The newly-elected representative wants to focus on her home-state needs rather than personal achievements: “Being first comes with added responsibilities but none of that matters if I dont do my best for Delaware“ she explains

Her path to politics started in her home-town Wilmington where she came out as trans around thirteen years ago. The decision shaped her future career choices pushing her towards creating more inclusive spaces in government

The election happens during complex times for trans rights in America: last year saw three times more bills about gender-affirming healthcare than before (with thirty-seven states introducing one-hundred-and-forty-two different proposals)

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