
Documentary "War Game" Simulates Chilling Future U.S. Insurrection Scenario


A new documentary, "War Game," depicts a simulated 2025 insurrection involving National Guard defectors. The film, based on a real exercise, raises questions about handling potential future threats to U.S. democracy.

A new documentary titled "War Game" presents a disturbing simulation of a potential future insurrection in the United States. The film, directed by Jesse Moss and Tony Gerber, is based on a real-life training exercise organized by the Vet Voice Foundation in response to concerns about extremism within the military.

The exercise, conducted on January 6, 2023, exactly two years after the actual Capitol attack, simulates a scenario set in January 2025 during the presidential election certification process. In this hypothetical situation, members of the National Guard support the insurrection rather than quelling it.

The documentary combines archival footage from the January 6, 2021 events with a fictional reenactment featuring real policymakers and officials. Participants include retired general Wesley Clark, former senator Heidi Heitkamp, and FBI agent Peter Strzok, who play roles as government officials responding to the crisis.

The film's scenario involves a contested presidential election between fictional incumbent John Hotham and challenger Robert Strickland. A key element is the presence of a Michael Flynn-like figure leading a Christian nationalist organization called the Order of Columbus.

"War Game" raises critical questions about handling such situations without creating martyrs. The exercise organizers emphasize that invoking the Insurrection Act, referred to as the "nuclear option," is considered a lose-lose proposition. This aligns with the fact that the Insurrection Act of 1807 has only been used 12 times to suppress civil disorder since World War II.

The documentary serves as both entertainment and a potential teaching tool. However, it also highlights the challenges in addressing such threats effectively. While a confidential analysis of the exercise has been shared with government officials, the film's creators suggest that having officials watch the documentary might be more impactful.

It's worth noting that the U.S. military has a long-standing tradition of remaining apolitical and subordinate to civilian leadership. The Department of Defense has strict policies against active-duty service members participating in extremist activities. However, the January 6, 2021 Capitol attack, which resulted in five deaths and injuries to approximately 140 police officers, has raised concerns about potential radicalization within military ranks.

The film's exploration of a contested election scenario is particularly relevant given that the U.S. has experienced several such situations throughout its history. Additionally, the role of misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms in political polarization adds another layer of complexity to the issues presented in "War Game."

While the documentary provides a chilling look at a potential future crisis, it also serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving democratic institutions and the peaceful transfer of power, which has long been considered a cornerstone of American democracy.

"The sight of U.S. troops gunning down self-described patriotic Americans is not a good look."

Kris Goldsmith, Army veteran leading the Red Team in the simulation

As viewers grapple with the unsettling scenarios presented in "War Game," the film ultimately leaves them with a pressing question: Who will take concrete steps to address these potential threats to American democracy?


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