
Escaped Water Buffalo Becomes Iowa's Unlikely Hero in Week-Long Saga


A water buffalo's daring escape from slaughter in Pleasant Hill, Iowa, captivated residents for days. Named PHill, the animal evaded capture, sparked community support, and found sanctuary after a dramatic rescue.

In a remarkable turn of events approximately one year ago, a water buffalo's bid for freedom in Pleasant Hill, Iowa, transformed him into an unexpected local celebrity. The animal, later named PHill, escaped as his owner attempted to slaughter him, leading to a week-long saga that captured the hearts of residents and sparked discussions about animal welfare.

On August 24, 2023, PHill was first spotted roaming the streets of Pleasant Hill, a city in the Des Moines metropolitan area. The sight of a water buffalo, an animal not native to North America, puzzled locals and quickly became the talk of the town. Water buffaloes, typically found in Asia, parts of Europe, and South America, can weigh up to 2,650 pounds and stand 6.2 feet tall at the shoulder, making PHill's presence in Iowa truly extraordinary.

As sightings of PHill increased, residents began tracking his movements and sharing updates on social media. The community's concern for the animal's safety grew, especially after learning that PHill had been shot by police in an attempt to prevent him from entering a highway. Despite the injury, the resilient buffalo continued to evade capture, appearing in backyards, parking lots, and local trails.

The plight of PHill resonated deeply with Pleasant Hill residents. Many advocated for his protection, with local businesses even creating "FREE PHILL!" merchandise. This outpouring of support highlighted the strong bonds that can form between communities and unexpected animal visitors.

"He did not show any signs of aggression toward anyone. He looked so cute, and I felt so bad that I couldn't help or something."

Jessica Eshelman, a Pleasant Hill resident, shared

The story took a positive turn when Iowa Farm Sanctuary, located about 100 miles from Pleasant Hill, offered to provide a home for PHill and two other water buffaloes owned by the same individual. This development shed light on the sanctuary movement, which aims to provide safe havens for farm animals.

On August 27, 2023, after days of searching, authorities successfully captured PHill using tranquilizers. He was then transported to Iowa State University's Large Animal Hospital for treatment of his gunshot wound. The community's relief was palpable, with over $25,000 raised to support PHill's care and that of his companions.

Water buffaloes, domesticated for over 5,000 years, are known for their versatility in agriculture and their ability to thrive in wet conditions. While uncommon in Iowa, these animals play crucial roles in many parts of the world, providing milk, meat, and labor. Their milk is particularly prized for its high fat and protein content.

PHill's adventure not only entertained but also educated the public about these remarkable creatures. Water buffaloes are excellent swimmers, have a strong herd mentality, and can live up to 30 years in the wild. Their global population is estimated at 170 million, highlighting their significance in various ecosystems and cultures.

As PHill recovers and prepares to join his fellow water buffaloes at the sanctuary, his story serves as a reminder of the unexpected ways in which animals can touch human lives and inspire compassion. The Pleasant Hill community's response to this unusual visitor demonstrates the power of collective action in animal welfare causes.

Samantha Blake



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