
Ex-cop faces historic verdict in Louisville shooting case


Former Louisville officer gets first-ever conviction in high-profile 2020 raid case. Jury finds him guilty of civil rights violations after shooting through covered windows

A ground-breaking verdict came late friday when Brett Hankison a ex-Louisville police officer got his first-ever conviction in the tragic Breonna Taylor case (which happened about four and a half years ago)

The federal jury spent 3 days looking at evidence before finding Hankison guilty; the charge stated he broke Taylors civil-rights by shooting through covered windows and doors of her home - firing 10 shots in total

In a split decision the jury cleared Hankison from a second charge: endangering three neighbors who lived next-door during that late-night raid. This case marks the first time any officer involved in the march 2020 incident faced criminal punishment

The verdict shows a shift in how courts look at police actions - Hankisonʼs actions during that raid broke federal laws protecting citizens rights in their own homes

Lucas Hayes


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