
Fact Check: Minnesota's Gubernatorial Succession Amid VP Nomination


Clarification on Minnesota's governorship following Tim Walz's VP nomination. Contrary to social media claims, Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan did not automatically become governor.

Recent social media posts have erroneously claimed that Peggy Flanagan became Minnesota's new governor following Tim Walz's nomination as the Democratic vice presidential candidate. This information is inaccurate and requires clarification.

Tim Walz, the current governor of Minnesota, was indeed selected as the running mate for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. However, this nomination does not automatically trigger a change in Minnesota's governorship.

According to Minnesota's Constitution and statutes, there is no requirement for Walz to resign his position as governor while campaigning for vice president. The state does not have a "resign-to-run" law, which would mandate officeholders to step down when seeking another position.

Jill Hasday, a professor at the University of Minnesota Law School, confirmed:

"Tim Walz can remain in office as Governor of Minnesota while campaigning to be Vice President of the United States. Minnesota has not enacted a 'resign-to-run' law."

Legal expert's statement

It's worth noting that only five states in the U.S. have such laws: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, and Texas. Interestingly, Florida exempts those running for president or vice president from this requirement.

Should the Harris-Walz ticket win the upcoming presidential election on November 5, 2024, Walz would need to resign from his governorship before Inauguration Day on January 20, 2025, as stipulated by Minnesota's constitution. Only then would Peggy Flanagan, the current lieutenant governor, assume the role of governor for the remainder of the term, which ends in January 2027.

If this scenario unfolds, Flanagan, a member of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe, would make history as Minnesota's first female governor and the nation's first female Native American governor. This would be a significant milestone, following Johnston Murray, a Chickasaw Nation member, who became the first Native American governor when he led Oklahoma from 1951 to 1955.

It's crucial to note that as of August 22, 2024, no announcement regarding Walz's resignation had been made. The spread of misinformation on social media platforms highlights the importance of verifying information from reliable sources and understanding the legal processes governing political transitions.


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