
Far-Right Unrest in Israel: Military Facilities Stormed, Government Support Questioned


Israeli far-right protesters attacked military bases, backed by government officials. The incidents highlight growing extremist influence and institutional distrust, raising concerns about Israel's democratic foundations.

On July 29, 2023, Israel witnessed an unprecedented event as far-right protesters stormed two military facilities. This incident, occurring just a day before anti-immigrant riots in Britain, highlighted a disturbing trend of far-right violence fueled by social media and populist distrust in government institutions.

The protests in Israel began when military police attempted to arrest nine reserve-duty soldiers at the Sde Teiman detention facility. Responding to social media calls, dozens of civilian activists converged on the base, eventually forcing their way in. The unrest later spread to the Beit Lid base in central Israel, where the military court was set to hear charges against the arrested soldiers.

"Take her hands off the reservists."

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich

Alarmingly, some government officials and lawmakers openly supported the protesters. At least two Knesset members and a junior cabinet minister were among the rioters, drawing parallels to the January 6, 2021 events in Washington, D.C.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), established on May 26, 1948, has long been regarded as a sacrosanct institution in Israeli society. However, the far-right's actions have begun to challenge this status quo. The incident at Sde Teiman marked an unusual case of far-right violence within Israel proper, as such unrest had previously been largely confined to the West Bank.

The rise of far-right influence in Israeli politics can be traced to the 2022 election, where extremist parties captured 10.8% of the vote. Despite this relatively small share, they have managed to wield significant power by exploiting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political vulnerability and the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack.

Netanyahu's government, formed in December 2022, includes far-right elements that distrust state institutions and seek to undermine Israel's liberal and democratic foundations. This worldview aligns with the anarchical and anti-establishment strain of Trumpism, but with a stronger religious element in the Israeli context.

The far-right's agenda has manifested in various ways:

  • Attempts to subordinate the judicial system to politicians
  • Wresting control of the police force
  • Advancing de facto annexation in the West Bank
  • Easing gun license regulations

In the West Bank, which has been under Israeli occupation since 1967, settler violence has escalated dramatically. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported approximately 1,250 settler attacks against Palestinians in the first 10 months following October 7, 2023, resulting in around 120 deaths or injuries.

The Israeli military and security services have begun to express concern about the far-right's growing influence. In July 2024, outgoing West Bank army chief Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fuchs warned of "nationalist crime" sowing fear among Palestinian residents. Similarly, Shin Bet director Ronen Bar cautioned ministers about the dangers of "vengeful attacks" in August 2024.

International actors, including the United States, have attempted to address the situation by imposing sanctions on known perpetrators of violence. However, the effectiveness of these measures remains questionable given the current government's stance.

As Israel grapples with these challenges, the future remains uncertain. The far-right's grip on power and its ability to mobilize supporters through social media pose significant threats to the country's democratic institutions and social fabric. With the Israeli-Palestinian conflict entering its eighth decade, the need for a balanced and just resolution has never been more critical.


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