
Former president cant stop talking about crowd numbers from past event


Ex-president keeps bringing up attendance figures from his speech almost 4 years ago. He tries to separate peaceful rally-goers from those who later caused trouble at Capitol building

Donald Trump keeps comparing crowd-sizes between Vice President Harris recent speech and his own rally from early-21: making sure everyone knows which gathering had more people

The ex-president cant stop mentioning the thousands who came to DC that winter day (an event he brings up whenever possible since moving out of the White-House). His speech drew big numbers; which he views as proof of his continued influence

The way Trump talks about 01/06 shows a clear split in his thinking: hes proud of the crowd-size and supporter enthusiasm but tries to distance himself from later events. He takes credit for the peaceful gathering — while avoiding any connection to folks who fought with law-enforcement at the Capitol building that afternoon

The former leader focuses on specific parts of that days timeline: the morning speech where people cheered his claims about election problems from late-20‚ but not what happened after. Its a careful line hes trying to draw between the rally itself and the following chaos (which he doesnt want linked to his name)

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