
Gina Raimondo: Steering US Tech Policy in the China Competition Era


Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo leads US efforts in tech competition with China, balancing national security and economic growth. Her tenure focuses on export controls, semiconductor production, and building global partnerships.

Gina Raimondo, the US Secretary of Commerce, has emerged as a key figure in the Biden administration's efforts to maintain America's technological edge over China. Since her appointment in early 2021, Raimondo has been at the forefront of shaping US tech policy, focusing on export controls, domestic semiconductor production, and international partnerships.

Raimondo's approach to government is influenced by her background in venture capital. She emphasizes impact and risk-taking, stating, "Don't be afraid to speak up, don't be afraid to try for something big. Have impact. Judge yourself on impact." This entrepreneurial spirit has driven her leadership at the Commerce Department, which has seen its role expand significantly in recent years.

The department, established in 1903, has traditionally focused on promoting US economic growth and competitiveness. However, under Raimondo's tenure, it has taken on a central role in national security matters, particularly in the technological race against China. This shift has placed the Commerce Department at the "red-hot center of national security and economic competitiveness," as Raimondo puts it.

One of the most significant initiatives under Raimondo's leadership has been the implementation and expansion of export controls on advanced semiconductor chips to China. These controls, first introduced in October 2022 and further tightened a year later, aim to limit China's access to cutting-edge technology that could be used for military purposes. Raimondo acknowledges the challenge in balancing these restrictions with the department's mandate to promote economic growth, stating, "I struggle with this. It's hard to know exactly where to draw the line."

The Commerce Department's role extends beyond export controls. It oversees the implementation of the CHIPS and Science Act, passed in August 2022, which allocates $53 billion for domestic semiconductor manufacturing. This initiative aims to reduce US dependence on foreign chip production, particularly from Taiwan, which currently produces more than 90% of the most advanced semiconductors.

Raimondo has also been instrumental in building international partnerships to counter China's technological advancements. She has traveled extensively, engaging with allies in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East to align approaches on tech regulation and supply chain resilience. These efforts have resulted in new forums such as the US-EU Trade and Technology Council and the Indo-Pacific Economic Forum.

Despite these achievements, Raimondo faces ongoing challenges. She has repeatedly called for increased resources for the Bureau of Industry and Security, which oversees export controls. The bureau's budget, at around $200 million, has remained stagnant for over a decade, which Raimondo argues is insufficient given its expanded responsibilities.

Looking ahead, Raimondo expresses confidence in the durability of the policies implemented during her tenure, citing bipartisan legislation and international alliances as safeguards against potential policy shifts under a new administration. She remains committed to her role, stating, "I love this job—it's been an honor of a lifetime to serve."

As the US continues to navigate the complex landscape of global tech competition, Raimondo's leadership at the Commerce Department will likely remain crucial in shaping America's technological future and its relationship with China.

[[Gina Raimondo on the importance of impact in government]]

"So many people in government just play it safe, worry about their job—you're not going to get anything done that way. Don't be afraid to speak up, don't be afraid to try for something big. Have impact. Judge yourself on impact."


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