
Israeli Rights Group Alleges Systematic Prisoner Abuse Amid Gaza Conflict


B'Tselem reports widespread mistreatment of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons since October 2023. Israeli authorities deny allegations, asserting adherence to legal standards in detention facilities.

B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights organization, has released a report alleging systematic abuse and torture of Palestinian prisoners by Israeli authorities since the onset of the Gaza conflict in October 2023. The report, based on interviews with 55 Palestinians detained in various facilities, claims that detainees have been subjected to arbitrary violence, sexual abuse, and degrading treatment.

The Israeli military and prison service have categorically denied these allegations, asserting that they operate in accordance with the law and that any specific claims of abuse are thoroughly investigated. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson stated, "The IDF categorically rejects allegations of systematic abuse, including sexual abuse, in its detention facilities."

The report's release comes amid heightened international scrutiny of Israel's conduct during the ongoing conflict, which has now lasted 10 months. B'Tselem claims that the alleged mistreatment is part of a deliberate policy implemented under the direction of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

"The food is very bad and they give it to us in a humiliating manner. They gave us two meals a day, no clothes or shampoo to bathe or shower. My face flared up with a rash from the mattress. It was utter humiliation there."

Fathiyeh Abu Mousa, former detainee

Fathiyeh Abu Mousa, released from detention in July 2024 without charges, described her experience as routinely humiliating, including being held in handcuffs and chains even during her release.

The Israel Prison Service spokesperson acknowledged that prison conditions have become more stringent since October 7, 2023, following orders from Ben-Gvir to reverse previous improvements.

Qadura Fares, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization's Commission for Prisoners and Ex-Detainees Affairs, has called for an international commission of inquiry into the treatment of prisoners, citing "horrific testimonies" of alleged crimes.

This situation underscores the complex and contentious nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has persisted for over seven decades. The United Nations Convention against Torture, ratified by Israel in 1991, prohibits torture and cruel treatment. However, human rights organizations have long criticized Israel's detention policies, particularly administrative detention.

As the conflict continues, the international community, including the United Nations, has repeatedly called for investigations into alleged human rights abuses. The International Criminal Court opened an investigation into alleged war crimes in Palestinian territories in 2021, further highlighting the global concern over the ongoing situation.


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