
Madonna Funds Youth Theater Project in Ancient Pompeii on 66th Birthday


Pop icon Madonna celebrates her 66th birthday by pledging support for a youth theater project in Pompeii. The "Dream of Flying" initiative aims to engage local youth through ancient Greek comedies.

On August 16, 2024, Madonna marked her 66th birthday with a significant announcement during her visit to the ancient city of Pompeii. The pop icon revealed her commitment to fund "Sogno di Volare" (Dream of Flying), a youth-focused artistic project, for one year with a donation of approximately 250,000 euros ($275,000).

The "Dream of Flying" initiative, now in its fourth year, engages hundreds of young artists in performing adaptations of Aristophanes' comedies. These performances begin at Pompeii's Teatro Grande, an ancient Roman theater with a capacity of about 5,000 spectators, before touring other Italian venues.

During her tour of the Pompeii archaeological park, Madonna met with Gabriel Zuchtriegel, the site's director, and a group of teenagers involved in the project. Zuchtriegel emphasized the strategic importance of this initiative for Pompeii and its surrounding areas, particularly for youth from economically challenged southern towns facing higher rates of school dropouts and unemployment.

"This project generously supported by Madonna is strategic for Pompeii, because it is directed to the people who live in this marvelous and complex territory, in particular youths."

Gabriel Zuchtriegel, Director of Pompeii Archaeological Park

The collaboration between Madonna and Pompeii brings together modern philanthropy and ancient history. Pompeii, destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD and rediscovered in 1748, offers unique insights into ancient Roman life. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, it continues to be a subject of ongoing excavation and preservation efforts.

Madonna's support for this project aligns with her history of philanthropic endeavors and her Italian heritage. Her grandparents were Italian immigrants to the United States, adding a personal connection to her involvement in this Italian cultural initiative.

The project's focus on adapting Aristophanes' comedies is particularly fitting, as these ancient Greek plays often addressed social and political issues of their time, potentially resonating with modern audiences and young performers alike.

Zuchtriegel announced that a show financed by Madonna's foundation will be staged at Pompeii's Teatro Grande in May 2025, showcasing the fruits of this collaborative effort between a pop culture icon and an ancient historical site.

This initiative not only provides opportunities for local youth but also contributes to the preservation and active use of ancient theaters, bridging the gap between past and present in the culturally rich region of Campania.

Ethan Caldwell



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