On a warm sunday in Port Louis voters lined-up to choose between Pravind Kumar Jugnauthʼs government and opposition forces (which includes Navin Ramgoolamʼs coalition). The island-nationʼs 1.3 million citizens faced a choice that could re-shape their economic future
The country which sits between Africa and Asia relies on three main money-makers: off-shore banking tourism and cloth-making. Even with Chinaʼs help and a good-looking 6.5% growth prediction for this year many locals dont feel better off
Both sides made big-money promises to win peoples trust. Jugnauthʼs team wants to boost worker pay raise old-age money and cut VAT on basic stuff; while his rivals promise free bus-rides internet and cheaper gas. The deal with UK about Chagos Islands from last month plays into Jugnauthʼs hands
The voting system works like this – whoever gets most of the 62 parliament seats wins the top-job. There were lots of choices on the ballot:
- 68 different parties
- 5 political teams
- Many first-time runners
“Young people will decide this election“ said David Stafford a 36-year old voter who thinks job-making is as important as money stuff. Ivan Mootooveeren (41) shared his view: “we need new direction“
A weird thing happened before voting day – the government blocked social-apps saying its about safety but had to un-block them when people got mad. Results should come out tomorrow; with turnout looking really good at more than 75%