In a ground-breaking move‚ New Zealandʼs government has decided to stop greyhound racing in the country; this choice comes after long-standing worries about animal safety
The once-loved betting sport (which reached its peak back in the 1900s) now faces a complete shut-down‚ making New Zealand one of the last places to ban this high-speed dog competition. The main reason for this ban: too many racing dogs get hurt or dont make it through race-day incidents
The issue goes beyond just race-track problems - these quick-as-lightning pups face a tough situation after their short-lived careers end. Many ex-racers cant find forever homes which leads to a heart-breaking outcome: these healthy animals often get put down when theyʼre still young and full of life
The decision shows how times have changed since the sports hey-day‚ when betting on these fast-moving canines was a much-loved past-time - now animal well-being takes center stage in policy making