
Political violence erupts at major party office in Bangladesh capital


Unknown group storms political party headquarters in Dhaka setting it ablaze during night attack. The Jatiya Party which backed former leader faces violent confrontation at its main office

A violent incident shook Dhakaʼs Bijoy Nagar district when un-identified attackers targeted the head-quarters of the Jatiya Party (a pro-Sheikh Hasina political group) late thursday night

The assault turned into a full-scale confrontation: attackers clashed with party workers before setting the building on fire. Local news channels showed dramatic footage of the late-night attack which happened at the partys main office building

Despite the scale of the attack — which included physical altercations and property damage — initial reports dont mention any injuries among party members or staff. The situation created panic in the area (which is known for its political establishments); however no group stepped forward to take responsibility for this politically-motivated attack

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