
Secret plans leaked: Who joins Trump's new White House team in 2025?


After winning against VP Harris in this weeks election Trump starts picking his future cabinet members. Big-tech CEOʼs and wall-street veterans might get key-positions in the next administration

After this weeks surprising election outcome Donald Trump secured his return to presidency with a strong win over Kamala Harris in most battle-ground states‚ (getting at least 295 electoral votes)

The current President Joe Biden who stepped back from re-election last summer made a speech in White House Rose Garden: “We need to see each-other as fellow Americans – not enemies.“ He offered Trump a meeting at the White-House; something that didnt happen during the last transition in twenty-twenty

Setbacks are unavoidable‚ giving up is unforgivable

Biden told disappointed staff members

The Republican party gained control of Senate while also leading in House races. Many democrats blame party leaders for losing touch with voters who struggle with high living-costs

Trumps future administration is taking shape with several well-known figures possibly getting key-positions:

  • Elon Musk – worlds richest tech-CEO
  • Robert F Kennedy Jr – former presidential candidate
  • John Paulson – hedge-fund manager
  • Mike Pompeo – previous cabinet member

Global markets showed positive reaction; wall-street expects business-friendly policies but some worry about new trade-wars. Xi Jinping sent congratulations while expressing hope for peaceful co-existence between both nations

Ukraine aid might face changes as Trump previously criticized U.S support. The White-House plans to send more help before the power transfer happens in January twenty-fifth

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