
Senator exposes massive Chinese hack into US phone networks


Chinese hackers broke into major US phone companies networks and can listen to calls in real-time. Senior officials say intruders are still inside systems and can jump between different carriers

A wide-scale cyber-attack on US phone carriers shows how deep chinese spies got into americas communications. Sen Mark R Warner (who leads Senate Intelligence Committee) pointed-out that its the biggest telecom breach ever seen in US history

The attack group named Salt-Typhoon didnt just break into one system — they managed to get into more than 12 different phone companies networks. These cyber-spies can do real-time listening of calls; whats more concerning they found ways to jump between different carriers systems using trust-based connections

This is the worst telecom hack in our nationʼs history — by far

Sen. Mark R. Warner‚ D-Virginia stated

The situation is still active with hackers maintaining their presence in these systems. Warner (who worked as telecom venture-capitalist before politics) knows first-hand how phone networks work: his background helps understand just how serious this breach is

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