In a ground-breaking move South Korean opposition groups joined forces to challenge Yoon Suk Yeolʼs leadership position. Six different political parties submitted papers to start removal process‚ after his un-successful try to bring in military-style control
The national assembly (which is the main law-making body) will look at these documents tomorrow: they need to check everything before moving forward with this super-important decision. The whole process might end with a big vote on friday - but getting rid of a president isnt easy and needs lots of support
The situation got really messy after Yoonʼs attempt to use emergency powers didnt work out. Now heʼs got two not-so-good choices in front of him — either step down by himself or wait until parliament makes its choice. The law-makers need a super-big majority to kick him out‚ which makes this whole thing pretty tricky
This political shake-up (happening right in the middle of winter) shows how quick things can change in South-east Asian politics. The opposition groups are working together to push their plan through‚ but theres still lots of steps before anything final happens