
South Korean president's overnight martial law move leads to major political turmoil


South Koreaʼs sudden martial law declaration by president lasted just 6 hours before quick reversal. Opposition groups and labor unions demand presidents resignation while US confirms its support

In a late-night decision on Dec 3rd President Yoon Suk Yeol made a short-lived attempt to declare martial law in South Korea which created a nation-wide political mess

The six-hour martial law period (which ended due to parliament push-back and street demonstrations) triggered immediate calls for the presidents impeachment from opposition law-makers; labor union members gathered in down-town Seoul next morning to voice their anti-government position

The US government – which keeps about 30k troops in the country – didnt know about Yoonʼs plans beforehand but quickly stated its commitment to the US-South Korea partnership. The Biden team made clear that this internal political shake-up wont affect their long-standing cooperation

The labor unions (who represent the nations biggest worker groups) are now organizing mass-protests and promise not to stop until Yoon steps down from his position. Their demonstrations started right after dawn on Dec 4th in central Seoul – making the capitalʼs streets busy with protest activity

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