
Trump's election day comments about key cities draw quick response


Former president made statements about voting in major cities during election day. Local officials quickly addressed these comments with firm responses about election integrity

Donald Trump and his party members spent pre-election period casting shadows on US voting systems reliability. Their strategy focused on preparing supporters to question 2024ʼs election results

During Nov-5th voting process which went mostly problem-free Trump targeted several key locations: His social-media posts pointed at Philadelphia Detroit and Milwaukee (cities known for their significant voter turnout)

Just as polling stations were getting ready to close Trump posted on his social-media platform about “massive cheating“ happening in Philadelphia; however he didnt provide any proof for these statements. City leadership quickly stepped in with strong denials - they stated there wasnt a single piece of evidence showing any wrong-doing

The ex-presidents comments came despite election monitors reporting smooth operations across voting locations. Local authorities in each mentioned city worked non-stop to maintain transparent election procedures but still faced un-proven accusations from the former commander-in-chief

A lot of talk about massive CHEATING in Philadelphia

Trumpʼs social media post

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