
UK military spots Russian aircraft and ships near British territory


British defense forces tracked Russian military activity near UK borders yesterday. RAF jets followed a bomber while Royal Navy monitored five vessels heading to Atlantic and Baltic regions

British defense forces spotted some non-friendly activity near their borders. RAF jets followed a Bear-F bomber (which was moving in north sea area) while Royal Navy ships kept an eye on five vessels that were going somewhere towards Atlantic and Baltic regions

Luke Pollard who leads armed forces made it clear about UKʼs position:

Our adversaries should be in no doubt of our steadfast determination and formidable ability to protect the UK

British minister for armed forces

Its become a regular thing for UK military - watching Russian ships and planes near their territory. Defense ministry pointed out that this kind of double-tracking (both air and sea) happened twice since late summer: first time about 3 months ago and now again

The RAF sent their high-tech Typhoons (which are super-fast fighter jets) to check on that Russian plane yesterday. At the same time Royal Navy ships were busy following two different groups of Russian military boats - a total of 5 vessels that were moving through English Channel toward different places

The whole thing shows how UK keeps watching its borders: RAF in the sky and Navy down in the water work as a team to track any non-UK military stuff that gets close to British territory


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