The american voting system proves its strength during this election season despite wide-spread worry about possible problems. Some tech-related issues and fake bomb-threats didnt stop poll-workers from doing their jobs‚ while voter lines kept moving forward (showing how well-prepared local officials were)
Looking back at the last nation-wide vote about 4 years ago‚ Americas election system worked fine even with covid-19 making things harder: mail-in ballots drop-boxes and social-distancing rules helped nearly 160 million people cast their votes; which was 20 million more than 8 years ago. Donald Trump and his after-election actions aside the voting process itself stayed solid
The current election shows how state and local teams work together — law-enforcement election officials and thousands of poll-workers keep the whole thing running. Its pretty clear that the voting system works: people show up early; participation stays high and the whole set-up handles the load well. The best part is that regular americans keep using their right to vote which proves the whole system works as it should