
US missile decision could make it direct conflict player, Moscow warns


Moscow reacts to reports about US allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory. Kremlin officials point-out that such moves would mean direct American involvement in the on-going conflict

The Kremlins top-level officials dont see any formal US statements about letting Ukraine use American-made missiles to hit Russian territory. However they warn that such a decision would mean direct US participation in the conflict

Dmitry Peskov‚ the main Kremlin speaker points out that this kind of move would create a brand-new level of US involvement: adding fuel to the fire (which Washington seems to be planning as its administration comes to an end)

Last fall Vladimir Putin made his position crystal-clear — any Western green-light for deep strikes would mean NATOʼs direct involvement because their military setup would have to help with targeting. The reports about this US decision came after news that North-Korean soldiers appeared in Kursk area to help fight-off Ukrainian moves

Maria Butina a law-maker close to ruling party says these actions might lead to bigger problems:

They are seriously risking the start of World War Three which is not in anybodys interest

Russian lawmaker Maria Butina stated

Moscow changed its nuclear rules to say that any regular attack on Russia helped by a nuclear-armed country could be seen as their joint strike. The Kremlin thinks some US decision-makers just dont care about these risks — even though Ukraine already used Western weapons on Russian soil for the first-time last year

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