
US presidential race might reshape how Washington deals with India


The upcoming US election wont change US-India ties fundamentally‚ but could affect specific areas of cooperation. The next presidentʼs views on tech trade and global issues may reshape partnership details

Most experts think US-India partnership will stay strong after the 2024 election due to both parties support for ties with New-Delhi

The real changes might come in how this partnership works day-to-day. Tech cooperation and green-energy projects (which got big attention lately) could see some shifts: Donald Trump might limit tech exports and doesnt care much for renewable stuff while Kamala Harris would likely keep current policies going

Trade issues could get more attention if Trump wins — he already talks about Indian tariffs being unfair; however his soft stance on Moscow might help smooth over Indiaʼs Russia-links. Here are the main points that could change:

  • Tech-sharing rules
  • Clean-energy projects
  • Trade policies
  • Russia-related talks

The current problem about an alleged plot against a Sikh activist in NY might get less attention under Trump‚ but his strong views about protecting US territory make this uncertain. Some Indian officials think heʼd be easier to deal with on this issue; however his America-first ideas might actually make things more complex

The partnership basics wont change much — its the day-to-day stuff thats gonna look different depending on who wins in 24

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