
US Security Adviser to Visit China Amid Complex Bilateral Relations


Jake Sullivan's upcoming China visit aims to address key global issues and maintain communication between the world's largest economies. The trip follows the Biden-Xi summit and precedes potential future high-level meetings.

Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Adviser, is set to embark on a three-day visit to China beginning August 27, 2024. This diplomatic mission aims to navigate the intricate relationship between the United States and China during President Biden's final months in office.

The visit will mark Sullivan's ninth meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his predecessors since the Biden administration took office. Notably, it will be Sullivan's first trip to China in his current role, with the last US National Security Adviser visit to the country dating back to 2016.

Key topics on the agenda include:

  • China's support for Russia's military industrial complex
  • Chinese military activities in the South China Sea
  • North Korea's provocative actions
  • The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict
  • Tensions surrounding Taiwan

The South China Sea dispute, involving multiple nations claiming sovereignty over various islands, has been a persistent source of tension in the region. The US has consistently expressed concerns about China's assertive military presence in these contested waters.

Chinese officials are expected to raise concerns about US tariffs, particularly in light of their efforts to revitalize the economy following the COVID-19 pandemic. In May 2024, President Biden imposed significant new tariffs on various Chinese products, including electric vehicles, advanced batteries, and medical equipment.

The discussions will also cover cooperation on curbing the flow of precursor chemicals used in fentanyl production. Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50-100 times more potent than morphine, has been a major concern in the ongoing opioid crisis.

White House National Security Council spokesman Sean Savett stated:

"These meetings are consistent with efforts to maintain this strategic channel of communication to responsibly manage the relationship and are a product of the November 2023 Woodside Summit between President Biden and President Xi (Jinping)."

This visit is part of our ongoing efforts to maintain strategic communication and responsibly manage the relationship

The November 2023 meeting between Biden and Xi, which took place on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco, resulted in modest agreements on combating illegal fentanyl and reestablishing military communications. However, significant differences remain on economic competition and global security issues.

While no major announcements are expected from Sullivan's visit, it may pave the way for another face-to-face meeting between Biden and Xi. As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump have pledged to maintain tough policies towards China if elected.

The complex US-China relationship continues to evolve, with both nations recognizing the need for dialogue despite their competitive stance. As the world's two largest economies, their interactions have far-reaching implications for global stability and prosperity.


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