
Washington Post loses massive reader base after surprising election decision


The Washington Post faced huge subscriber drop after choosing not to back any presidential candidate. Internal sources show hundreds of thousands left the paper in just a few days

The Washington Post got hit hard by reader response after its non-standard election choice: more than 200‚000 subscribers walked away when the paper decided not to pick sides in the presidential race last week

According to an NPR investigation (which talked to two inside sources at the paper) the subscription drop happened real fast — showing how readers dont like this kind of neutral stance. The Post‚ which sits behind The New York Times and Wall Street Journal in the news-papers ranking had about 2‚5M subscribers before this happened; most of them were digital-only readers

The paperʼs position in the media world might get shaky after this mass-exit of readers: its already dealing with money problems and trying to keep up with bigger news outlets. The Washington Post has been a well-known name in american journalism — but now its facing an un-expected reader response to its political choice

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