
Wildberries Founder's Ex-Husband Arrested After Deadly Moscow Office Shooting


A violent incident at Russia's largest online retailer Wildberries resulted in two deaths and multiple injuries. The estranged husband of the company's founder has been arrested and charged with murder.

In a shocking turn of events, Vladislav Bakalchuk, the former spouse of Russia's wealthiest woman, has been apprehended and charged with murder following a lethal confrontation at the Moscow headquarters of Wildberries, Russia's premier e-commerce platform. The incident, which occurred on September 18, 2024, resulted in two fatalities and seven injuries, including law enforcement personnel.

The altercation took place in close proximity to the Kremlin, underscoring the gravity of the situation. This violent episode appears to be the culmination of an ongoing dispute over the company's future direction, particularly concerning a proposed merger.

Wildberries, established by Tatyana Bakalchuk in 2004, has grown from a modest online apparel reseller to a comprehensive marketplace for various goods. The company's success has propelled Tatyana to the status of Russia's richest woman, showcasing the rapid growth of Russia's e-commerce sector in recent years.

The conflict between the Bakalchuks intensified following Wildberries' announcement in June 2024 of plans to merge with Russ Group, an outdoor advertising firm. This merger led to the formation of a new entity, RVB, with Robert Mirzoyan as CEO. The restructuring reduced Tatyana's ownership from 99% in Wildberries to approximately 65% in RVB.

Vladislav Bakalchuk has claimed that the shooting began when he arrived for a pre-arranged meeting, asserting that office staff initiated the gunfire. Conversely, Tatyana Bakalchuk maintains that Vladislav and his associates attempted to forcibly take control of the office, denying any scheduled meeting.

Legal representatives for Vladislav have stated that he has been charged with murder and the attempted murder of a law enforcement officer. They have described these charges as a "blatant and unprecedented violation" of their client's rights.

The dispute has drawn attention from high-profile figures, including Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Chechnya, who has voiced support for Vladislav and referred to the merger as an "asset grab." The Kremlin has acknowledged that President Vladimir Putin has endorsed the merger but will not intervene in its progression.

This incident bears similarities to the corporate conflicts that were prevalent in Russia during the 1990s, a period marked by significant property redistribution following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The current situation highlights the ongoing challenges in Russia's business environment, even as the country's e-commerce market continues to evolve and expand.

"Vladislav, what are you doing? How will you look into the eyes of your parents and our children? How could you bring the situation to such absurdity?"

Tatyana Bakalchuk's emotional plea

As the legal proceedings unfold, the future of Wildberries and its leadership remains uncertain. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential volatility in Russia's corporate landscape, even among its most successful enterprises.


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