Apple's AirPods Pro 2: A Game-Changer in Hearing Aid Technology

Apple's AirPods Pro 2 set to become FDA-approved hearing devices, potentially revolutionizing accessibility. This move could address barriers to hearing treatment and encourage earlier adoption among users.

September 9 2024, 06:57 PM  •  342 views

Apple's AirPods Pro 2: A Game-Changer in Hearing Aid Technology

Apple has announced a significant development in hearing aid technology, integrating FDA-approved hearing device functionality into its popular AirPods Pro 2. This innovation, set to be available through a software update in fall 2024, could potentially transform access to hearing treatment.

The announcement comes two years after the Food and Drug Administration approved the sale of over-the-counter hearing aids. While some companies have already entered this market, Apple's move marks the first time a consumer-favorite brand has added hearing features beyond noise cancellation and adjustable sound levels to its earbuds.

The integration of hearing aid technology into popular devices like AirPods could significantly expand access to hearing assistance. Tricia Ashby-Scabis, senior director of audiology practices at the American Speech and Hearing Association, suggests that the widespread acceptance of earbuds might help reduce the stigma associated with hearing aids.

Statistics reveal a concerning gap in hearing aid adoption:

  • 15% of U.S. adults report hearing difficulties
  • Only 33% of people over 70 who could benefit from hearing aids use them
  • Merely 16% of those under 70 who need hearing aids utilize them

Barriers to hearing aid adoption include cost, geographical limitations, and stigma. Many individuals lack insurance coverage, don't regularly see a primary care physician, live far from hearing screening facilities, or feel embarrassed about wearing aids.

Early treatment of hearing loss is crucial, as it can help mitigate negative effects such as:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Higher healthcare costs

The new AirPods Pro 2 will feature default loud noise reduction and an app-based hearing test that automatically adjusts sound levels based on results. However, experts emphasize that these devices are best suited for mild to moderate hearing loss. Individuals with more severe hearing loss should seek professional audiological assistance.

"Hearing aids aren't like reading glasses — you can't always pop them on and go."

Tricia Ashby-Scabis notes:

It's important to note that the history of hearing aid technology dates back to 1898 when the first electronic hearing aid was created. Since then, significant advancements have been made, including the introduction of behind-the-ear aids in 1956 and the world's first digital hearing aid in 1996.

While Apple's innovation is promising, it's crucial for users to understand that hearing loss can occur at any age and affects approximately 466 million people worldwide. If the AirPods Pro 2 hearing test reveals hearing loss, it's advisable to consult an audiologist for comprehensive testing and personalized treatment.

This development by Apple could potentially lead to earlier detection and treatment of hearing loss, which has been shown to improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of dementia, and even improve balance in older adults. As technology continues to evolve, it's exciting to see how consumer electronics can contribute to better health outcomes and improved quality of life for millions of people.