Biden points at Musk's own immigration past during Pittsburgh speech

President questions Tesla CEOʼs immigration stance based on reports of past visa issues. During union hall campaign stop Biden brought up allegations about Muskʼs student visa status

October 27 2024 , 06:24 PM  •  1264 views

Biden points at Musk's own immigration past during Pittsburgh speech

Joe Biden called-out Elon Musk during a union-focused campaign stop in Pittsburgh: the President highlighted what he sees as double-standards in the tech leaders immigration views

That wealthiest man in the world turned out to be an illegal worker here. No‚ Im serious. He was supposed to be in school when he came on a student visa. He wasnt in school. He was violating the law. And hes talking about all these illegals coming our way?

President Biden at Pittsburgh union hall

The South African-born Tesla chief (who now holds the position of worlds richest person) faced questions about his past visa status — a topic that became center-stage during Bidens campaign appearance. The Presidentʼs remarks focused on reports suggesting Musk didnt follow student visa rules while in US

Musk quickly disputed these claims about his immigration history‚ though the discussion adds new angles to ongoing debates about US border policies. The exchange between these two high-profile figures — one leading the nation and another leading multiple tech companies — shows how immigration remains a hot-button topic in american politics