Beslan Remembers: 20 Years Since Russia's Deadliest School Siege

Two decades after the Beslan school tragedy, survivors and families commemorate the lives lost. The 2004 attack, resulting in over 330 deaths, remains a painful memory as Russia grapples with its legacy.

September 1 2024, 04:22 PM  •  2935 views

Beslan Remembers: 20 Years Since Russia's Deadliest School Siege

Twenty years have passed since the Beslan school siege, Russia's deadliest militant attack in modern history. On September 1, 2024, mourners gathered to commemorate the lives lost in this tragic event that shook the nation and the world.

The siege began on September 1, 2004, when at least 32 militants linked to the Chechen separatist movement seized control of School No. 1 in Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania. Over 1,000 hostages, including children, teachers, and parents, were held captive for 52 hours. The crisis ended with a controversial assault by Russian special forces, resulting in the deaths of more than 330 people, including at least 180 children.


Survivors and families of the victims continue to seek answers and justice. Many have accused authorities of mishandling the siege and subsequently covering up crucial details. In 2017, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Russia had used excessive force during the operation, a decision the Kremlin deemed unacceptable.

The tragedy had far-reaching consequences:

  • Significant changes in Russian domestic security policies
  • Resignation of key government officials
  • Strained Russian-Chechen relations
  • International condemnation of terrorism

The Beslan school siege remains the deadliest school shooting in history, inspiring numerous books, documentaries, and films. A memorial complex, "City of Angels," now stands in Beslan to honor the victims.

Vladimir Putin, who faced public anger in the aftermath of the tragedy, recently visited Beslan on August 20, 2024. He laid flowers at the school memorial and expressed condolences to the victims' families, stating, "This tragedy will remain an unhealed wound in the historical memory of all of Russia."

During the commemoration, survivors and their families gathered outside the school gymnasium, holding photographs of their loved ones. They processed into the gym, now a solemn memorial site, laying red and white roses at the foot of an Orthodox cross.

"Remember us? Remember us! As long as you remember, we're alive."

Words on a placard outside the gymnasium

These words serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring impact of the Beslan tragedy and the importance of remembering those lost.

As Russia continues to grapple with the legacy of this devastating event, the annual commemoration serves as a testament to the resilience of the Beslan community and the enduring memory of those who perished.