Democratic Convention Tackles Kamala Harris Name Pronunciation

At the Democratic National Convention, Kamala Harris' great nieces led a tutorial on pronouncing her name correctly. The event highlighted the importance of respect and proper pronunciation in political discourse.

August 23 2024, 04:41 AM  •  745 views

Democratic Convention Tackles Kamala Harris Name Pronunciation

At the culmination of the Democratic National Convention, held approximately four years ago, an unexpected yet significant moment occurred when the proper pronunciation of Kamala Harris' name became a focal point. This event, which took place on August 20, 2020, highlighted the importance of respect and cultural sensitivity in political discourse.

Actress Kerry Washington introduced a unique tutorial, addressing the issue of mispronunciation – whether intentional or not – of the vice-presidential candidate's name. Washington emphasized that while confusion might be understandable, disrespect was not acceptable.

The tutorial featured Harris' great nieces, Amara and Leela, aged 8 and 6 respectively. The children, daughters of Harris' niece Meena Harris, provided a simple yet effective method for pronouncing their great aunt's name. Amara, dressed in a pink pantsuit, explained that "Kamala" starts with "comma," like in a sentence. Leela, wearing a light blue dress, added that the second part is pronounced "la," as in "la-la-la."


This lighthearted yet important lesson engaged the audience, with the United Center responding enthusiastically to the girls' instructions. The event underscored the significance of correctly pronouncing names, especially those of public figures from diverse backgrounds.

It's worth noting that Kamala Harris, born on October 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, has a name of Sanskrit origin meaning "lotus" or "pale red." Her nomination as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate was historic, as she became the first South Asian American and African American woman to be nominated for national office by a major party.

The convention also revealed that some speakers had struggled with the pronunciation. Former President Bill Clinton, in his speech the previous night, had pronounced it as "CAM-UH-LA." Others, like Leon Panetta, took precautions, with the teleprompter reportedly displaying "Comma-la" as guidance.

In contrast, Republican candidate Donald Trump had been noted for deliberately mispronouncing Harris' name, often saying "Kah-MAH-la." When questioned about this in July 2020, Trump dismissively stated that he had heard the name pronounced in various ways and that he "couldn't care less" about the correct pronunciation.

This incident at the Democratic National Convention not only served as an educational moment but also highlighted Harris' significant political journey. Prior to her vice-presidential nomination, she had served as the Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017 and was elected as a United States Senator from California in 2017. Her career has been marked by advocacy for criminal justice reform and LGBTQ+ rights, earning her recognition such as the Thurgood Marshall Award from the National Black Prosecutors Association.

"Confusion is understandable. Disrespect is not. So tonight we are going to help everyone get it right."

Kerry Washington stated

The emphasis on correct name pronunciation at the convention reflected a broader conversation about respect, diversity, and inclusion in American politics. It underscored the importance of acknowledging and honoring individuals' cultural identities, especially in the context of national leadership roles.