Egypt gets WHO nod for wiping out malaria

Egypt got WHO thumbs-up for kicking out malaria‚ a bug thats been around since pharaohs. Its now part of a group of 44 countries and a territory that beat the mosquito-borne illness

October 20 2024 , 05:07 PM  •  855 views

Egypt gets WHO nod for wiping out malaria

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given Egypt a pat on the back for getting rid of malaria a disease thats been bugging the country since the days of the pharaohs. This news came out on 10/20/24 (which is today)

Egypt has now joined a club of 44 countries and one territory that have shown they can keep malaria away for good. To get this gold star from WHO a country has to prove it hasnt had any home-grown cases of malaria for at least three years in a row

Its a big deal for Egypt because malaria has been a pain in the neck for them since way back when. The WHO says theyʼre sure that the chain of malaria passing from person to person through those pesky Anopheles mosquitoes has been broken


This win against malaria is a big step for Egypt. It shows how far theyʼve come in making their country healthier. Now‚ they can focus on other health issues without having to worry about this old foe

The WHOʼs seal of approval is not easy to get. Countries have to work hard to show theyʼve really kicked malaria out. Egyptʼs success could inspire other countries still fighting this disease to keep pushing until they join the malaria-free club too