Elderly French Man on Trial for Orchestrating Wife's Assaults Hospitalized

A 71-year-old Frenchman, accused of facilitating his wife's rape by strangers, was hospitalized during his trial. The case, involving 50 other defendants, has shocked the nation and is set to continue until December.

September 10 2024, 12:43 PM  •  724 views

Elderly French Man on Trial for Orchestrating Wife's Assaults Hospitalized

In a case that has deeply disturbed France, a 71-year-old man facing charges of orchestrating the sexual assault of his wife has been hospitalized during his trial. Dominique Pelicot, the primary defendant, was scheduled to testify but was instead ordered by the presiding judge to undergo medical examinations.

Beatrice Zavarro, Pelicot's defense attorney, stated, "Mr Pelicot is not attempting to evade his responsibilities." She explained that her client began exhibiting symptoms of a potential bladder infection or colic last Friday. This development has temporarily halted the proceedings, which are set to continue until December 2024.

The prosecution alleges that Pelicot advertised sexual encounters with his unconscious wife online and recorded the assaults. Alongside Pelicot, 50 other individuals are on trial for allegedly participating in these acts over a ten-year period. If found guilty, each defendant could face up to 20 years of imprisonment.


France's legal system, which employs an inquisitorial approach, allows for victims to have legal representation during trials. This case highlights the nation's ongoing efforts to address sexual assault more effectively, particularly in the wake of the global #MeToo movement.

The allegations in this case intersect with several aspects of French law:

  • The recognition of marital rape as a crime
  • Strict penalties for non-consensual filming of sexual acts
  • The concept of "rape by surprise" where consent is obtained through deception
  • A 20-year statute of limitations for rape cases, starting from the victim's 18th birthday

French authorities have implemented measures to protect victims' identities in sexual assault cases, reflecting a growing awareness of the sensitivity surrounding such incidents.

"Mr Pelicot is not trying to shirk his responsibility, he will not shirk his responsibility."

Defense lawyer Beatrice Zavarro stated:

This case has reignited discussions about consent, the prevalence of drug-facilitated sexual assault, and the role of technology in facilitating crimes. As France continues to grapple with these issues, the outcome of this trial may have far-reaching implications for how similar cases are handled in the future.