Ex-Trump Aide Grisham Endorses Harris at DNC, Sparking Controversy

Former Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham spoke at the Democratic National Convention, endorsing Kamala Harris and criticizing her former boss. The move drew applause from Democrats and rebuke from Trump's campaign.

August 21 2024, 03:21 AM  •  571 views

Ex-Trump Aide Grisham Endorses Harris at DNC, Sparking Controversy

In a surprising turn of events at the Democratic National Convention, Stephanie Grisham, former press secretary to Donald Trump and chief of staff to Melania Trump, took the stage to endorse Kamala Harris for president. This unexpected appearance has sparked controversy and highlighted the growing divide within the Republican Party.

Grisham, who once considered herself a "true believer" in Trump's cause, shared insider information about her time in the White House. She claimed that behind closed doors, Trump mocked his supporters and lacked empathy. According to Grisham, Trump's approach to communication was based on repetition rather than truth, stating, "It doesn't matter what you say, Stephanie. Say it enough, and people will believe you."

The former aide pointed to the January 6, 2021, insurrection as her breaking point. This event, which occurred 3 years, 7 months, and 14 days ago, led to her resignation from the Trump administration. Grisham revealed a text exchange with Melania Trump, where the former First Lady allegedly refused to condemn the violence.


"On Jan. 6, I asked Melania if we could at least tweet that while peaceful protest is the right of every American, there's no place for lawlessness and violence. She replied with one word: 'No.'"

Stephanie Grisham's statement on her decision to resign

Grisham's endorsement of Harris was met with applause from the Democratic audience. She stated, "Kamala Harris tells the truth, she respects the American people and she has my vote." This endorsement is particularly significant given that the Vice President is also the President of the Senate, a role established in the U.S. Constitution.

The Trump campaign swiftly responded to Grisham's speech, with spokesman Steven Cheung dismissing her as a "stone cold loser" suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome." This reaction highlights the ongoing tension between former Trump officials who have spoken out against him and those who remain loyal.

Grisham is not alone in her decision to cross party lines. Other Republicans, including John Giles, mayor of Mesa, Arizona, and former Illinois congressman Adam Kinzinger, have also agreed to speak at the DNC. This trend reflects the complex political landscape in the United States, where the two-party system has dominated since the mid-1850s.

The Democratic National Convention, a quadrennial event with roots dating back to 1848, has become a platform for voices from across the political spectrum. This year's convention has particularly emphasized the importance of bipartisan support in the face of what some view as a threat to democratic norms.

As the 2024 presidential race intensifies, the political divide within the Republican Party continues to widen. The willingness of former Trump officials to speak out against their former boss at the Democratic National Convention underscores the high stakes of this election and the ongoing debate about the future direction of American politics.