Guy Maddin's new film mixes world leaders and weird woods

Guy Maddins latest movie Rumours shows G-7 leaders lost in strange forest. Film blends political satire with surreal elements‚ featuring big-name actors in unusual roles Its a departure from Maddins earlier style

October 17 2024 , 10:04 AM  •  207 views

Guy Maddin's new film mixes world leaders and weird woods

Guy Maddin‚ a Canadian film-maker known for his odd style has made a new movie thats kinda normal-looking‚ but dont be fooled. Rumours is his second team-up with Evan and Galen Johnson (they worked on The Green Fog about 7 years ago) Its a weird comedy about Western leaders lost in the woods – both in a real and not-real way

The movie is shot in color and set in todays world or maybe tomorrow‚ which is different from Maddins older black-and-white silent-movie-style films. It has some big stars like Cate Blanchett as a German leader and Charles Dance as an American president

The story is about seven world leaders at a meeting in the woods. Theyʼre trying to write a statement about some big world problem‚ but things get strange. Their helpers disappear and it seems like the world might be ending. There are old bodies coming back to life and something scary in the middle of the forest


The movie makes fun of how these leaders act‚ showing them falling apart as weird things happen. Theres funny stuff like:

  • A Canadian leader whos had affairs with other leaders
  • An American president who falls asleep while talking
  • Leaders trying to figure out if a text is from a kid or a robot

The movie isnt perfect. Its jokes dont always work and the music doesnt fit well. But the actors have fun and theres lots of weird funny talking. Its like someone imagined world leaders in a TV show like Lost‚ maybe with some help from drugs

In the end Rumours is a movie where you like the good parts and forget the rest. Its strange and funny‚ and if you like odd movies‚ you might enjoy it