Iraqi city sees new protests demanding activist release

Nasiriyah Iraq witnessed protests calling for freeing detained activists Clashes broke out between demonstrators and security forces‚ with injuries reported on both sides Provincial council held emergency meeting to address the situation

October 18 2024 , 08:15 PM  •  670 views

Iraqi city sees new protests demanding activist release

In Nasiriyah‚ a city in southern Iraq protesters gathered on friday (its roughly five years since the big anti-government protests) The demonstrators were asking for the release of activists who had been arrested because of earlier protests

The city which is in Dhi Qar province‚ has often been a place where people show their unhappiness with the government. The protesters were asking for the release of a group of activists who had been part of the demonstrations in october 2019 and more recent ones too They said the legal cases against these activists were just to get back at them. They also wanted the local police chief to leave his job.

Some Iraqi lawmakers who support the protest movement were there too. The security forces tried to break up the protest using smoke bombs‚ and they blocked all the roads to Al-Haboubi Square with barbed wire.


A police official who didnt want to give his name said that 11 security personnel and nine protesters got hurt in the clashes. But a statement from the police command said 21 of its members were hurt it didnt say anything about hurt protesters.

Ahmed Al-Khafaji‚ a member of the provincial council said they had an emergency meeting on friday evening because of what happened. He said the council supported:

  • stopping the raids and searches of activists homes
  • letting activists deal with their legal issues at police stations in their areas
  • not using live bullets against protesters

From october to december 2019 Iraq saw its biggest protest movement since 2003 — it led to the government falling and parliament making a new election law. Hundreds of protesters were killed and thousands got hurt when Iraqi security forces used live bullets and snipers to stop the protests. Many more people were arrested too