Kentucky Governor Bans Conversion Therapy for Minors via Executive Order

Kentucky's Governor Andy Beshear issued an executive order prohibiting conversion therapy for minors, citing its harmful effects. The ban prevents the use of state or federal funds for this discredited practice.

September 18 2024, 03:25 PM  •  6522 views

Kentucky Governor Bans Conversion Therapy for Minors via Executive Order

On June 28, 2023, Andy Beshear, the Democratic Governor of Kentucky, took a significant step to protect LGBTQ+ youth by issuing an executive order banning conversion therapy for minors. This action came after repeated unsuccessful attempts to pass legislation through the state's Republican-dominated legislature.

The executive order prohibits the use of state or federal funds for conversion therapy on minors and empowers the state's board of licensure to take disciplinary action against practitioners who violate this ban. This move aligns Kentucky with at least 23 other states and the District of Columbia that have implemented similar prohibitions.

Beshear emphasized the importance of this decision, stating:

"Let's be clear: conversion therapy has no basis in medicine or science, and it has been shown to increase rates of suicide and depression. This is about doing what is right and protecting our children. Hate is not who we are as Kentuckians."

Governor Andy Beshear on conversion therapy ban

The governor's action is supported by major medical and mental health organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association. These institutions have long opposed conversion therapy, citing research that demonstrates its harmful effects on individuals subjected to the practice.


Conversion therapy, a pseudoscientific practice aimed at changing an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity, has been widely discredited. The American Psychological Association officially opposes this practice, and studies show that LGBTQ+ youth who undergo conversion therapy are more than twice as likely to attempt suicide.

The Trevor Project estimates that 10% of LGBTQ+ youth report undergoing conversion therapy, despite its known risks. The World Health Organization has stated that this practice poses a serious threat to the health and well-being of affected individuals.

Chris Hartman, executive director of the Fairness Campaign, praised Beshear's decision, describing it as "bold and necessary action" to protect Kentucky's LGBTQ+ youth. Hartman added that the governor's order sends a clear message to LGBTQ+ children and their families that they are "perfect as they are."

This executive order represents a significant step forward in protecting the rights and well-being of LGBTQ+ youth in Kentucky. As of September 2024, it has been in effect for over a year, potentially preventing numerous minors from being subjected to this harmful practice.