Norway Proposes Extending Legal Abortion Limit to 18 Weeks

Norway's government aims to extend the legal abortion limit from 12 to 18 weeks, aligning with current practices. The proposal needs parliamentary approval, with 80 lawmakers currently supporting the change.

August 23 2024, 07:31 PM  •  612 views

Norway Proposes Extending Legal Abortion Limit to 18 Weeks

Norway's government has proposed a significant change to its abortion laws, seeking to extend the legal limit for pregnancy termination from 12 to 18 weeks. This move, announced on August 23, 2024, marks the first major revision to the country's abortion regulations in nearly half a century.

Jan Christian Vestre, Norway's Health Minister, explained that the proposed changes align with current practices, stating, "Almost no one is refused applications for abortion after the 12th week." He emphasized that women's right to self-determined abortion is a fundamental value in Norway.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health reports that abortion rates in the country have remained relatively low for several years, averaging around 12,000 annually. However, a slight increase was observed in 2022, with 12,814 pregnancy terminations performed in 2023, representing a 6.7% rise from the previous year.


Norway, known for its comprehensive welfare system and free healthcare, introduced free abortion in 1978. The country's strong commitment to gender equality and social welfare has contributed to its consistently high ranking in the Human Development Index. These factors have likely influenced the current proposal to update abortion laws.

The proposed legislation requires a majority of 85 votes in the 169-member Stortinget, Norway's parliament established in 1814. Currently, about 80 lawmakers have expressed support for the new law. However, the Center Party, which holds 28 seats and is part of the governing coalition, opposes the change, preferring to maintain the current 12-week limit.

Kjersti Toppe, the Family Minister, acknowledged the sensitive nature of the issue, describing it as "a matter of conscience" and allowing party members to vote against the party's stance if they choose.

"Society has changed significantly since the 1970s."

Jan Christian Vestre, Norwegian Health Minister

This proposed change in Norway follows a similar move by Denmark, which extended its abortion limit to 18 weeks in May 2024. These developments reflect a broader trend in Scandinavian countries towards more progressive reproductive rights policies.

Norway's approach to abortion is part of its wider commitment to social welfare and individual rights. The country, with a population of about 5.4 million, is known for its high standard of living and progressive policies. It has been ranked as the world's happiest country multiple times in the World Happiness Report, reflecting the overall well-being of its citizens.

As Norway considers this significant change to its abortion laws, it continues to demonstrate its commitment to adapting legislation to meet the evolving needs of its society, balancing traditional values with progressive ideals.