Pro-Israel "Hostage Square" Opens Near Democratic Convention in Chicago

A symbolic "Hostage Square" near the Democratic National Convention in Chicago highlights the plight of Americans held captive by Hamas. The event draws attention to ongoing tensions and security concerns surrounding the convention.

August 21 2024, 10:05 AM  •  328 views

Pro-Israel "Hostage Square" Opens Near Democratic Convention in Chicago

In a gravel parking lot near the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, a poignant display called "Hostage Square" opened on August 20, 2024. The installation, organized by the Israeli American Council, aims to draw attention to the Americans still held captive by Hamas following the October 2023 attack on Israel.

The square features eight 10-foot milk cartons, each bearing the image of an American hostage. Orna Neutra, mother of 22-year-old captive Omer Neutra, expressed the surreal experience of seeing her son's face on display. She wore a tag with "319" written on it, marking the days since her son's abduction.


Security measures, including fences and metal detectors, were implemented due to heightened tensions surrounding protests during the convention. Elan Carr, a leader of the Israeli American Council, acknowledged the need to balance First Amendment rights with community safety.

The timing of the square's opening coincided with the announcement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the bodies of six hostages had been recovered in the Gaza Strip. This news underscored the ongoing conflict and its human toll.

"The DNC is crucial for the fate of our loved ones and also the fate of democracy. We are here to ensure they are not forgotten."

Gili Roman, whose sister was previously held captive

Relatives of hostages emphasized the importance of the Democratic National Convention in raising awareness and potentially influencing negotiations. They expressed gratitude for the support shown by President Joe Biden and other speakers at the convention.

The square also attracted visitors from various backgrounds, including evangelical supporters of Israel and Jewish delegates to the convention. Some Jewish attendees expressed concerns about openly wearing religious symbols due to safety considerations.

Tensions were evident as pro-Palestinian demonstrations occurred concurrently in Chicago. The police arrested over 60 protesters near the Israeli Consulate later that evening, highlighting the ongoing divisions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As of August 2024, the conflict in Gaza has resulted in significant casualties. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, over 40,000 people have been killed since the war began, with a majority being women and children. However, it's important to note that these figures do not distinguish between civilians and combatants.

The "Hostage Square" event, while focused on the plight of American captives, serves as a reminder of the complex and ongoing nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has been one of the world's most protracted and controversial disputes for decades.