Qatar and UNRWA Partner to Aid Stranded Gaza Palestinians in West Bank

Qatar Red Crescent and UNRWA sign $4.5 million agreement to support over 4,400 Palestinians from Gaza stranded in West Bank. The aid addresses critical needs amid ongoing movement restrictions.

September 8 2024, 03:32 PM  •  2330 views

Qatar and UNRWA Partner to Aid Stranded Gaza Palestinians in West Bank

On September 8, 2024, the Qatar Red Crescent and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) formalized an agreement to provide crucial support to Palestinians from Gaza currently stranded in the West Bank. This initiative, funded by a $4.5 million contribution from Qatar's state development fund, aims to assist over 4,400 individuals who have been unable to return to Gaza since October 2023.

Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General, highlighted the dire situation: "Thousands of Palestine refugees from Gaza remain trapped in the West Bank, caught in this crisis situation, separated from their families and livelihoods." This statement underscores the ongoing challenges faced by Palestinians, exacerbated by movement restrictions that have been in place for nearly two decades.

The agreement comes at a critical time, as the Gaza Strip continues to grapple with severe humanitarian issues. Founded in 1949, UNRWA has been at the forefront of providing essential services to over 5 million registered Palestine refugees. The organization operates 96 primary health centers across its areas of operation, addressing the pressing medical needs of the population.


The densely populated Gaza Strip, with approximately 5,500 people per square kilometer, has been under a stringent blockade since 2007. This has resulted in limited access to basic necessities and severely restricted movement in and out of the area. The Erez Crossing, the main pedestrian passage between Gaza and Israel, and the sporadically open Rafah Border Crossing with Egypt, are often closed, trapping those in need of medical care, education, or employment opportunities.

The impact of these restrictions is profound:

  • Unemployment in Gaza consistently ranks among the highest globally, frequently surpassing 40%.
  • Over 95% of water from the coastal aquifer is deemed unfit for human consumption, creating a severe water crisis.
  • Limited healthcare facilities in Gaza force many residents to seek medical treatment outside the Strip.

Qatar's involvement in this initiative is part of a broader commitment to supporting Palestinians. Since 2012, the nation has provided over $1 billion in aid to Gaza, playing a significant role in addressing the humanitarian crisis.

"[The] cash assistance will represent vital support for those displaced who have not been able to return to the Gaza Strip since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Strip last October."

Qatar's state news agency stated

This aid package aims to provide immediate relief to those caught between the complex political and humanitarian challenges in the region. As the situation continues to evolve, the international community remains focused on finding sustainable solutions to the ongoing crisis affecting Palestinian refugees.