Reuters Estimates Trump's Business Cashflow at $80 Million for 2024

Reuters analyzes Donald Trump's business empire, projecting $80 million in cash after expenses for 2024. The study examines real estate, golf resorts, and licensing deals to assess the impact of recent court judgments.

August 21 2024, 10:23 AM  •  390 views

Reuters Estimates Trump's Business Cashflow at $80 Million for 2024

Reuters has conducted an in-depth analysis of Donald Trump's business empire, estimating that his various ventures will generate approximately $80 million in cash after operating expenses in 2024. This comprehensive study aims to shed light on the evolution of Trump's business over the past decade and evaluate its capacity to withstand over $500 million in recent court judgments.

The investigation focused on multiple aspects of Trump's business portfolio, including real estate holdings, golf resorts, and licensing agreements. For the real estate segment, Reuters examined individual properties such as the Trump Building at 40 Wall Street and Trump Tower in New York. The analysis utilized financial data from various sources, including The Trump Organization's disclosures from the New York fraud trial, commercial mortgage-backed securities information, and property tax appeals.


Adjustments were made for capital expenditures, leasing fees, and debt costs based on expert guidance and historical averages. The researchers also considered current market conditions, vacancies, and other variables to refine their projections. After accounting for these factors, Reuters estimates that Trump's property rental and sales across New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Florida will yield approximately $3 million in free cashflow for 2024.

Regarding golf and resort properties, Reuters relied on published accounts and net operating income figures provided by experts in the New York Attorney General's fraud case. The 2021 earnings were adjusted based on projected revenue increases, cross-referencing these forecasts with industry trends and Trump's Office of Government Ethics disclosure from August 2024. The analysis suggests that Trump's clubs may generate around $70 million this year, although this figure could be an overestimate.

The study also considered income from licensing deals, projecting similar revenues for 2024 as reported in 2023, with additional amounts factored in for two new agreements announced this year. However, Reuters excluded certain costs from their calculations, such as legal fees related to Trump's ongoing court proceedings, assuming these are largely covered by campaign supporters.

"The Trump Organization continues to be one of the strongest and most financially sound real estate companies in the country. Our properties are setting new records, and our company has never been stronger."

Trump Organization spokesperson

It's worth noting that Trump's business empire has a rich history, dating back to its founding in 1923 by his grandmother and father. Over the years, it has expanded to include iconic properties like Trump Tower, completed in 1983, and Mar-a-Lago, acquired in 1985 and converted into a private club in 1995. The Trump Organization currently manages 19 golf courses and clubs globally, reflecting the diverse nature of the former president's business interests.

In conclusion, Reuters' analysis provides a snapshot of Donald Trump's current business operations, estimating a significant cashflow for 2024. However, it's important to recognize that these projections are based on available data and expert opinions, and actual results may vary due to market fluctuations and other unforeseen factors.