Rohingya Flee Escalating Violence in Myanmar's Rakhine State

Rohingya refugees escape intensifying conflict between Myanmar's military and Arakan Army. Bangladesh struggles to accommodate new arrivals as humanitarian crisis deepens in the region.

August 16 2024, 11:34 AM  •  267 views

Rohingya Flee Escalating Violence in Myanmar's Rakhine State

The ongoing conflict in Myanmar's Rakhine State has forced numerous Rohingya to seek refuge in neighboring Bangladesh. The escalating violence between Myanmar's military junta and the Arakan Army, a powerful ethnic militia primarily recruiting from the Buddhist majority, has resulted in a new wave of displacement for the persecuted Muslim minority.

Mustafa Kamal, a Rohingya refugee, recounted his family's narrow escape from mortar fire in the coastal town of Maungdaw. Many others were not as fortunate, with numerous casualties reported. The situation highlights the ongoing persecution of the Rohingya, who have been denied citizenship and basic rights in Myanmar for decades.


The recent surge in violence marks the most significant escalation since the 2017 military-led campaign, which the United Nations described as having "genocidal intent." That crisis forced over 730,000 Rohingya to flee to Bangladesh, creating one of the largest and fastest refugee crises in modern history.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported treating 54 individuals for violence-related injuries in recent days, with 40% being women and children. Orla Murphy, MSF's Bangladesh representative, described the injuries as "life-threatening trauma wounds" indicative of indiscriminate attacks.

The influx of refugees has strained resources in Cox's Bazar, home to the world's largest refugee camp. Kamal Hossain, chairman of a panel of displaced Rohingya, emphasized the dire food situation, calling for immediate assistance from the government and camp authorities.

"Bangladesh is in no position to accept more Rohingya refugees from Myanmar."

Bangladesh's de-facto foreign minister, Mohammad Touhid Hossain

Despite this stance, Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, a Bangladesh refugee relief official, acknowledged the humanitarian imperative to assist those in critical need. The situation underscores the complex challenges faced by Bangladesh, which has been hosting Rohingya refugees since the 1970s.

The international community is urged to increase pressure on the conflicting parties and provide support to address the humanitarian crisis. The Rohingya crisis has strained relations between Myanmar and its neighbors, highlighting the need for a comprehensive regional approach to resolve the long-standing issue.

As the conflict in Rakhine State continues, with its complex historical and ethnic dimensions, the plight of the Rohingya remains a pressing concern. The recent military coup in Myanmar in 2021 has further complicated efforts to address the crisis, leaving the Rohingya caught between ongoing violence and an uncertain future.