Russian Expert Urges More Aggressive Nuclear Stance Against NATO

A prominent Russian foreign policy analyst advocates for a more assertive nuclear doctrine, suggesting potential strikes on NATO countries. The proposal aims to enhance deterrence against perceived Western aggression.

September 12 2024, 05:34 AM  •  3306 views

Russian Expert Urges More Aggressive Nuclear Stance Against NATO

A prominent Russian foreign policy expert has proposed a significant shift in the nation's nuclear strategy, advocating for a more assertive stance against NATO countries. Sergei Karaganov, in an interview with Kommersant newspaper, suggested that Russia should explicitly state its readiness to employ nuclear weapons against nations supporting NATO's involvement in Ukraine.

Karaganov's proposal represents a departure from Russia's current nuclear doctrine, which permits nuclear weapon use only in response to a nuclear attack or a conventional assault threatening the state's existence. This existing policy, according to Karaganov, is insufficient in deterring Russia's adversaries.


The expert's statements come at a time when Russia's nuclear arsenal, estimated at 5,977 warheads as of 2022, remains a subject of global concern. Karaganov argues that Russia should declare its right to respond with nuclear force to any substantial attacks on its territory or attempts to seize Russian land.

"It is time to declare that we have the right to respond to any massive strikes on our territory with a nuclear strike. This also applies to any seizure of our territory."

Sergei Karaganov stated:

This proposal emerges approximately one year and nine months into Russia's military operations in Ukraine, with Karaganov warning of potential economic exhaustion and military depletion if the conflict continues without a shift in strategy.

Western security analysts closely monitor Karaganov's opinions, viewing them as potential indicators of Russian foreign and defense policy thinking. While his views do not represent official policy, the Kremlin has provided him with platforms to express these ideas, including direct communication with President Vladimir Putin.

The concept of nuclear deterrence, which emerged during the Cold War, has long been a cornerstone of international security strategy. The United States and Russia currently possess about 90% of the world's nuclear weapons, highlighting the continued relevance of nuclear policy discussions.

Some Western analysts suggest that Karaganov's provocative statements may serve a dual purpose for the Kremlin: creating alarm in the West while making Putin appear moderate by comparison. This strategy aligns with the complex nature of nuclear diplomacy, where perception and deterrence play crucial roles.

Addressing concerns about the potential for all-out nuclear conflict, Karaganov asserts that limited nuclear weapon use would not necessarily lead to global nuclear war. He maintains that all nuclear powers have plans for calibrated nuclear weapon deployment under specific scenarios.

As discussions about nuclear doctrine continue, it's worth noting that the Doomsday Clock, maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, currently stands at 90 seconds to midnight - the closest it has ever been to symbolic global catastrophe.

The ongoing debate over Russia's nuclear posture underscores the delicate balance of global nuclear deterrence and the potential consequences of shifts in long-standing doctrines. As international tensions persist, the world watches closely for any changes in nuclear policies that could alter the strategic landscape.