Seoul Court Sentences Ex-Police Chief in Deadly Halloween Crush Case

Former Yongsan police chief receives 3-year sentence for mishandling 2022 Itaewon crowd crush. Court deems incident a "man-made disaster," sparking renewed calls for accountability and safety reforms.

September 30 2024, 12:34 PM  •  168 views

Seoul Court Sentences Ex-Police Chief in Deadly Halloween Crush Case

In a landmark ruling, a Seoul court has sentenced Lee Im-jae, the former police chief of Yongsan district, to three years in prison for his role in the mishandling of the 2022 Halloween crowd crush in Itaewon. The incident, which occurred on October 29, 2022, resulted in 159 fatalities and is considered one of the deadliest peacetime accidents in South Korean history.

The Seoul Western District Court labeled the tragedy a "man-made disaster," asserting that it could have been prevented or its impact significantly reduced if officials had fulfilled their duties. This ruling marks a significant moment in South Korea's ongoing efforts to address public safety concerns and government accountability.


The Itaewon incident occurred in a narrow alley known for its vibrant nightlife and international atmosphere. It was the first major Halloween celebration following the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, attracting a large crowd to the area. The tragedy sparked widespread mourning and soul-searching across the nation, reminiscent of the 2014 Sewol ferry disaster that claimed 304 lives, including 250 schoolchildren.

In addition to Lee Im-jae's sentence, two other former Yongsan police officials received varying punishments. One was given a two-year jail term, while another received a one-year prison sentence suspended for two years. However, Park Hee-young, the Yongsan district office chief, along with three other district officials, were acquitted of charges related to inadequate response to the crush.

The court's decision has reignited calls from victims' relatives for broader accountability, including demands for action against higher-ranking officials such as Minister of the Interior and Safety Lee Sang-min. These calls reflect a growing public sentiment for improved safety measures and more robust disaster response protocols in South Korea.

The Itaewon tragedy has led to significant scrutiny of South Korea's emergency response systems, urban planning practices, and crowd management strategies. It has highlighted the challenges faced by densely populated urban areas in managing large-scale events and the crucial role of proper preparation and foresight in preventing such incidents.

In response to the ongoing public concern, the South Korean parliament passed a bill earlier this year to launch a fresh investigation into the Halloween crush. This move underscores the nation's commitment to learning from the tragedy and implementing necessary reforms to prevent future occurrences.

The incident has also sparked a national conversation about the impact of rapid urbanization, the role of social media in organizing large gatherings, and the importance of understanding crowd psychology in event management. These discussions are crucial as South Korea continues to grapple with the challenges of ensuring public safety in its dynamic urban environments.

As the nation reflects on this tragedy, the focus remains on improving emergency response capabilities, enhancing urban planning to prevent similar incidents, and fostering a culture of accountability among public officials. The Itaewon crowd crush serves as a somber reminder of the importance of vigilance and preparation in safeguarding public spaces and events.

"We call for accountability at all levels of government to ensure such a tragedy never happens again."

Victims' relatives statement

This case continues to resonate deeply with the South Korean public, serving as a catalyst for ongoing efforts to strengthen safety measures and emergency response protocols across the country.