Trump's Helicopter Tale Disputed by Former San Francisco Mayor

Former President Trump's claim of a near-death helicopter experience with Willie Brown is refuted. Brown denies the incident and Trump's allegations about Vice President Harris, highlighting fact-checking challenges.

August 9 2024, 10:46 AM  •  502 views

Trump's Helicopter Tale Disputed by Former San Francisco Mayor

Donald Trump's recent press conference has sparked controversy due to a disputed account of a helicopter incident. The former president claimed to have shared a near-death experience with Willie Brown, San Francisco's former mayor. However, Brown promptly refuted this narrative, labeling it as fictional.

Willie Brown, who served as Mayor of San Francisco from 1996 to 2004 and was the first African American to hold this position, stated to KRON4 that he had never conducted business with Trump and would not choose to be in a helicopter with him. This contradiction highlights the ongoing challenges of fact-checking in political discourse.

Trump's allegation extended to claims that Brown had made negative comments about Vice President Kamala Harris. Brown, who dated Harris more than 25 years ago, firmly denied this assertion. He expressed that he "could not envision thinking of Kamala Harris in any negative way" and described her as a good friend. Harris, who became the first female Vice President of the United States in 2021, previously served as the Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017.


The situation became more complex when it was revealed that Trump did share a helicopter ride in 2018, but with then-California Governor Jerry Brown, not Willie Brown. This flight was to Paradise, California, which had been devastated by the Camp Fire, the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in the state's history. Jerry Brown confirmed the flight occurred but stated it was "a lively ride, but an utterly safe landing," contradicting Trump's dramatic account.

"It was a lively ride, but an utterly safe landing."

Jerry Brown stated:

A representative for current California Governor Gavin Newsom, who was governor-elect at the time and also present on the 2018 flight, corroborated that there was no emergency landing and that Vice President Harris was not discussed during the journey.

This incident underscores the importance of fact-checking and verification in modern political discourse. Trump's presidency from 2017 to 2021 was marked by numerous controversies and fact-checking disputes, making accurate reporting crucial for public understanding.

As of August 2024, nearly three years after leaving office, Trump's statements continue to draw scrutiny and fact-checking efforts. This latest episode serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in distinguishing fact from fiction in political narratives and the vital role of direct verification with involved parties.