Trump's Sovereign Wealth Fund Proposal: A Flawed Economic Vision

Former President Trump suggests creating a U.S. sovereign wealth fund, despite economic challenges. Experts question the feasibility and potential risks of the proposal amidst existing budget deficits.

September 6 2024, 06:00 PM  •  159 views

Trump's Sovereign Wealth Fund Proposal: A Flawed Economic Vision

In a recent address at The Economic Club of New York, Donald Trump unveiled a controversial economic proposal. The former president and current presidential candidate suggested establishing a sovereign wealth fund for the United States, aiming to create what he termed the "greatest" fund of its kind.

Sovereign wealth funds are financial instruments typically employed by nations with budget surpluses or substantial natural resource revenues. They serve as a means to convert these windfalls into stable, long-term income for the country. Norway stands out as a prime example, having amassed a $1.7 trillion fund through its prolific oil and gas exports. In 2023, Norway reported an overall budget surplus, including petroleum revenue, of 16% of its GDP according to Fitch.

However, the economic landscape of the United States differs significantly from that of Norway. Despite being the world's largest oil producer, the U.S. consistently operates with a substantial budget deficit. In 2023, the deficit reached $1.7 trillion, equivalent to approximately 6% of the country's GDP. This ongoing fiscal imbalance has contributed to a national debt of around $36 trillion, surpassing 120% of the gross domestic product.

Trump's proposal includes plans to address the budget deficit through increased tariffs and other measures, such as adopting Elon Musk's suggestions for reducing extraneous spending. However, these plans are coupled with significant tax reduction proposals, which researchers at the Wharton School of Business estimate could add $4 trillion to the deficit.


The creation of a sovereign wealth fund in the current U.S. economic context raises several concerns. Such funds can potentially become targets for mismanagement or political manipulation. While Norway ranks as the fourth-least corrupt country according to Transparency International's annual perceptions index, other nations with oil wealth, such as Angola (ranked 122nd), have experienced significant corruption issues. In 2019, the Angolan government reported that $3 billion had been misappropriated from its sovereign wealth fund.

In addition to the sovereign wealth fund proposal, Trump outlined other economic initiatives. These include reducing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% for companies manufacturing domestically, establishing a government efficiency panel led by Elon Musk, and implementing restrictions on mortgages for undocumented immigrants in California.

"We'll have the greatest sovereign wealth fund of them all, and we should have, and that will be used to do things that will be great for our country."

Donald Trump on his economic vision

While sovereign wealth funds can be valuable tools for long-term economic planning and stability, their effectiveness depends on the economic conditions and governance structures of the implementing nation. Given the current U.S. fiscal situation and the potential risks associated with such funds, Trump's proposal appears to be based more on aspiration than economic reality.