
81-year-old Philadelphia voter's ballot hangs in balance before crucial election


A long-time Philadelphia voter who witnessed Americas civil-rights era faces issues with her mail-in ballot. Her vote supporting the first woman-of-color nominee almost didnt make it to the count

In south-philly nursing home Joyce King – who remembers times before Black Americans had voting rights – almost lost her chance to take part in a ground-breaking election. Born in an era of restricted suffrage she turned 18 about 4 years before the historic Voting Rights Act changed everything

The now 81-year old resident carefully filled out her mail-in ballot choosing Kamala Harris – making history as first woman-of-color running for vice-president on major-party ticket; however Kings participation in democracy wasnt guaranteed (even after six decades of having voting rights)

Following proper steps she put her completed ballot in a secrecy envelope then into outer envelope and sent it thru mail system: but something went wrong with the process. The long-time voter who lived through civil-rights movement found herself dealing with modern-day voting hurdles – showing how basic right to vote still needs attention

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